Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well, get to meet with a mom tomorrow about her cherub of a daughter. Cayli is bright and there is no doubt about it. But boy is she and her attitude to big for her tight britches. Needless to say I had an interaction with this child today, trust me it's been building. In talking to her AP, Paula tells me that she is a Katrina child, mom has come to the land of opportunity, and thinks Cayli is her gift from God to the land of opportunity and that she is trying to find herself. Well, et me tell you she knows just fine who she is. Has the New Orleans arrogance and has not and has no plans to lose it. Get over the issue, that storm blew threw a while back. So tomorrow should be interesting. I'll have to watch myself around this one, she's devious enough to fabricate something and get her friends to back her up.

Week is moving by which is great. Weekend will be spent with scrapping and friends. Look forward to that. Until later,

Hugs and Kisses
Peace Out

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