Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can you speel D-i-a-b-e-t-e-s?

Hello, my names Leann and I am a diabetic. What does that mean, not real sure yet. However I do know that I got the brush off from my doctor's office yesterday. I left a messge for my PA (Tracy) to call me today. Instead, I get a call from one of the nurses who said that Tracy had passed the call back to her. I told her I wanted to talk to Tracy. She says that Tracy wants me to come in for a follow up visit so she can discuss everything with me. I ask "why wasn't I told this yesterday?". First she asked me who I spoke with as she was the normal person to handle these type of calls, I said I don't know, then the young lady asked how long I had been on the meds for glucose control, I said for a while. She then asked me to hold for a moment to look at my file more in depth. Seems as if the first person assumed by looking at my file that since I was already on meds for glucose control that I had been diagnosed previously. Obviously someone's not looking very closely at their files. I aksed why I had to wait a week for the results and that I had to call when I was told the results would be back last Thursday afternoon. She danced around it and said we always tell our patients it may take up to a week to get back to them. Guess what, no one told me that.

But it is what it is. I'm going to talk to Tracy a week from Monday and taking Rachel and Beth with me so I make sure I'm hearing everything. I did ask the girl whether WW was a good plan to be on, and she said it was but while they let you have sweets that I have to watch both my sugars and my carbs.

So I'll keep all informed or at least those who are interested in the continuing saga that has resulted from my stupid decisions that have gotten me here.

Peace Out

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Well, weighed in yesterday and lost 4.4 lbs, Rachel lost 4. So I'm okay with that and I think she is too. Found out that Mark and his "live in" made up, but I'm betting on it not lasting. He'll try to make it work but it won't last, or who knows maybe it will, whatever. Haven't heard from the doctors office yet about my blood work which it took them forever to find a vein. Not the girls fault, she tried to make it the least painful as possible. However when I asked her when the results would be back she said that same day. Well, that was Thursday and still haven't heard from them. I hoping against hope that I'm pre-diabetic, but I've been on the metroformin for that so I have a feeling this time will be the real thing, bummer..., no one to blame but myself.

Well, gotta go.
Peace Out

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I guess I haven't blogged in such a long time no one looks anymore. Oh well, no big deal, I'm writing for me anyway. Was looking back on my past musings and came across a year ago. Today is the one year anniversary of Able's passing. Now to many they either think "what's the big deal, he was just a dog", or "get over it already". Well to us he was more than an animal, he held a part of our hearts. It's really funny, Harley found a part of Able's old toy today and was tossing it around like Able use to. Able J. McGuire Looney - rest in peace, we miss you terribly and love you.

Moving on - Rachel talked to Beth this morning. Interesting conversation. It seems he and his
"significant other" are splitting. Everybody say "aaahhh". Yeah, whatever. Seems they've been fighting for two years and he finds more time to spend at work (hmmm, deja vu here). I don't know what goes around comes around but it is what it is. Since his mom's passing and he just lost her sister as well he must be looking at his own mortality or something. He helping Rachel pay her bills, continuing to pay Beth's living expenses until she finds a job, a convinced her to at least get a part time job rather than sitting around the house. Is going to offer his sister and her brood (8-9 altogether) (husbands been out of work 2+ years) to come move in with him, evidently he has a large house. Well, I hope for his sake he finds whatever peace he's looking for. I'm glad he has some kind of relationship with his two daughters, although with Rachel it will never be a normal one. I asked her if she had any good memories of him from growing up and she said a few. She said he was nicer at waking her up than I was, that he would say her name which never worked then would pull her over to give her a hug and pull her the rest of the way out of the bed.

Weight Watchers is on-going. I have a feeling I'm doing much better than Rachel, but then I'm working the plan so it will work a lot harder than she is. My scales say's I've lost about 6 lbs without clothers on. Hope it looks that way on Saturdays weight in.

Well, need to go run errands.

Peace Out
H and K

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rachel and I started weight watchers last Saturday. I've done it before so I know it works, a lot of its mental though just like everything in life. My hope is that Rachel loses something her first week other wise she'll probably give up. We met a really good friend at the meeting and sat throught the initial process together.

My doctors office called and told me they wanted to run another blood test to see if I'm glucose intolerate or diabetic. As much as I don't want it to be I will probably be diagnosed with diabetes which really scare me. My dad had it and so does my brother. Of course Chris and I have never really watched our diet or exercised, so I have no one to blame but myself. If I decide to tell my mom if that is what they tell me, then I'll have to listen to her, "I told you to watch your weight". One thing I won't do is blame my father like Chris did, I did this to myself, if it's genetic that's an added factor but no one is to blame but me.

Well off to run errands. Need to start studying for a certification test so I can possibly get into the Early College High School next year and teach there. I've taken the test once before but failed it by two and that was without studying. However, I took the on-line practice test and failed it miserably.

Peace Out
Hugs and Kisses

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well, let's see if anyone is reading this. It's been a while (marchish). School is finally out, thank you God. Finished packing the room up such as it is yesterday. Beth's really good friend Susanna (whose been shadowing some of my teachers and me for hours) came up to help finish it up. Love you Susie. Now if Pat (principal) could only decide what she wants me to teach next year. Last Thursday, May (my specialist) says she doesn't want me to be blind sided and tells me that I probably won't be teaching Pre AP next year, okay, I'm not happy but will deal with it. Spoke to my AP about it,she said tht's not the conversation she had about it. Oh, yeah, it gets better. Monday, I'm at school and Pat wants me to think over teaching 7th grade again because we have a new male teacher whose never taught (what is it with me a these guys) and a teacher whose been our health/coach who needs to get out of coaching, but hey he's taught a little history, but I may have to feed him the lesson plans. She says she's doing this for leadership, no reflection on my teaching or TAKS scores. Once again, my AP says that not the conversation she had with Pat Today (Tuesday) I get a call from her secretary telling me that Mrs. Brown wanted her to let me know that I will be teaching 8th grade again this year. Talked to my AP, once again not the conversation she was involved in. I'll probably be teaching 8th again, but not sure if I'll have only on-level classes or both types, possibility of another 8th grade teacher getting a section of Pre AP (please note this teacher has the sccond lowest scores in the school and signed her PDAS with reservations,which I'm not suppose to know). All I want to know is do I plan for 8th grade this summer or 7th grade and not walk into a wall when I get back to school. Anyway.... it is what it is.

Summer is already full. I go tomorrow to see what can be done about this heel spur. Rachel and I start Weight Watchers this week. Helping out with Kids Kamp at the Village. Planning on going home for a week. Seven days of professional development. Trying to get some scrapping in. Have repairs that have to be done around the house, then before I can turn around and say "kiss my ....", school will be back in session.

Gotta go,
Peace Out
Hugs and Kisses,