Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eliziabeth Anne (AAAARRRGGHH)

Well, got informed yesterday that Beth has decided to take a semester academic leave. Says she hates the program and thinks she should pursue finding a job to see which direction she wants to go (including moving closer to Armando) and then possibly second semester go back part time. So I guess she's trying to find herself. What she is going to find is that her father won't be paying her living expenses if she's not in school, and I certainly can't. But you can't tell this one anything, so we'll see what happens a pray a lot.

Rachel is having a cyst removed next Friday morning so I'll be with her part of the day and then see how things are at the house with her. Currently scheduled to go to Sorority for the afternoon, but right now have to play it by ear.

Math TAKS Tuesday. Getting close to Social Studies. Right now, based on the information I have only 80% of 8th graders in all classes would pass it. While that doesn't sound bad, last year we had 98% passing.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Hugs and Kisses
Peace Out

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daily up date

Wednesday's come and gone (almost). Alief is starting a new program at the high school level for "certain" eligible kids who over the next four years (9-12) will work on their high school credits and complete two years of community college at the same time. Sounds very cool, small classes, stand alone building. I digress, my counselor rode up with me in the elevator this am and said" oh, I threw out your name the other day". Oh for what? Talking to the counselor who's in charge of this new program I told her if she was looking for a great history teacher who was committed to the kids and would be perfect for a position that I had one for her. Now I know it's a long shot, but it's nice to hear when someone recognizes what you are doing and passes it on. There's a lot other teachers in Alief better qualified than I am, but it was super sweet of Doris to mention me.

Well, I'm like Carol tonight, off to bed early.

Hugs and Kisses
Peace Out