Sunday, May 13, 2007

This fat thing...

i'm already confused as to country and calculating fat and protein and fiber and the wiz and his munchkins. Am I crazy. Poor Kim she only though I was annal. Things to do with math and food don't calculate well with me. That's why I teach History not Math. It's already sunday night and I'm freaking out over having to write goals. There's a reason AI don't make New Year's resolutions, I don't keep them. They're not for the weak of heart like I am. Chocolate talks to me you know. We have rather nice conversations, but it's usually it's death notice. See I'm so hungry already I'm rambling and making no sense. So, I guess I'll go to bed and dream of sugarplums, and try to visualize my goals to write down.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hang in there, Leann! It is all worth it, I promise! There is something very amazing about getting really in touch with your body and your health. I'm working on getting together some stuff to make the "mystery" of food choices less mysterious!