Friday, July 6, 2007


We lose many things in our lives, sometimes by accident, often by choice. I had to lose something near and dear by choice to me this morning. We had to put my oldest dog, Tinker to sleep this morning. His quality of life was progressively getting worse and I no longer wanted him to suffer. I am thankful for Rachel as she does things for me that would break my heart. She took him to the vets for me. I know it was hard on her but she didn't want to see me upset any more than I already was. I am thankful Beth was here so she could say her goodbye as well. I know he is better off, but that makes it hurt no less. I know in my heart he is with my Dad who will watch over him.


Dr. Mechiel Rozas said...

I am sooo sorry to hear about your loss. I know your dogs mean the world to you. We are thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

We send our love. Remember he is better off. Still hurts but some comfort that he no longer suffers.

Kim said...

Hang in there, sweetie! Loss in any form sucks, but hopefully having the love and support of friends helps you get through it. Love you!